Article Review: Difference Between The Process Of Cleaning And Disinfecting

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Recently I read the article, “Difference Between The Process Of Cleaning And Disinfecting“. Here’s the summary of the article:

The article emphasizes the importance of cleaning and disinfecting to maintain a healthy and germ-free environment in both homes and offices. While not all cleaning agents have disinfecting properties, they still play a crucial role in removing dirt and debris. The article explores the distinctions between cleaning and disinfecting processes and provides insights into the appropriate cleaning products for commercial settings.

Cleaning involves the removal of dirt, dust, soil, and unwanted substances from surfaces. It also includes eliminating oil, grease, and other residues from floors, counters, and mirrors. To achieve effective cleaning, water and a cleaning agent or surfactant are necessary. The article explains the chemical process of how water interacts with surfaces through hydrogen bonding, and how the addition of surfactants alters the water’s properties, enabling it to break down particles and clean effectively.

Disinfecting, on the other hand, is the process of killing germs present on surfaces. Prior to disinfection, it is crucial to clean the surface and remove dirt for effective results. Disinfection is particularly important in areas where inadequate cleaning can lead to contamination, such as schools and restaurants. The article clarifies that cleaning and disinfecting are distinct processes and recommends a two-step approach: cleaning the surface first and then using a disinfectant to eliminate bacteria and germs. While multipurpose cleaners can remove dirt, a separate disinfectant is required to eliminate remaining bacteria. Disinfecting sprays and wipes are specifically designed to kill cold and flu-causing viruses and do not have cleaning properties. Household bleach is highlighted as a popular and effective cleaning and disinfecting agent, capable of eliminating various germs and viruses.

The article briefly touches on the historical significance of understanding germs and their transmission. A Hungarian physician in 1847 made significant contributions to the field by discovering the relation between sickness and contaminated medical instruments. This led to the implementation of hand disinfection and instrument sterilization practices, resulting in a significant reduction in death rates.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of regular cleaning and disinfection in both homes and offices, going beyond aesthetic purposes. Given the amount of time people spend in offices and the presence of guests, maintaining a clean and healthy workplace is crucial for a happier and healthier life. The article underscores the need for a two-step process involving cleaning followed by disinfection, and highlights the significance of using appropriate cleaning products to achieve optimal results.

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